sony vaio pcg-9b1p dont turn on

Asked by fuentes on 08/31/2011 1  Answer

ManualsOnline posted an answer 13 years, 4 months ago

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0 do you use the power cord could be the battery. Do you own a small dog, check if wire has been chewed or cut feel up and down the wire. Also did you install or replace any new hardware that can also cause a problem if you have remove the hardware. Maybe even new software if its not the wire battery or hardware then you have to take it to a shop or also check boot menu if you can get that far or is it straight flat line also if its not straight flat lined make sure no disc is in any drive including flash drives other wise take it in unless ome sone else can help thats all I can figure or take it apart see if it may have gotten wet some how that's how I lost my last comp. My technically little brother spilled my rum and coke in/on it while it was on fried to many curcuits and prossesor and hard drive just my two cent hope you can use it as an investment
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