The laptop boots and logs into the OS. After a while, the laptop shuts down enexpectedly. Whenever I try to boot it back up, it stays off. Then I'll leave for a couple minutes then it boots up and comes to the safe mode screen. I'll log in to the OS and after a whle the process is repeated. I am assuming its the fan as I don't hear or feel it running. Any ideas?

Asked by Alberto on 08/20/2009 1  Answer

ManualsOnline posted an answer 15 years, 5 months ago

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2 From my experiencing working in IT for several years now it sounds like a heat issue. It could be the one of your fans isnt working properly or could also be no more coolent between the cpu and heatsink. I would apply artic silver to the cpu first as this approach is cheaper then buying a new fan. Hope this helps.
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