Asked by paulocmmf on 02/15/2008 4  Answers

ManualsOnline posted an answer 16 years, 10 months ago

The ManualsOnline team has found the manual for this product! We hope it helps solve your problem. Get the Manual Here
0 If there is a particular section that I can give you let me know. I am having problems with my router and perhaps you could help me. I just bought mine used and she gave me the wrong power adapter. I found a 12Volt which I thought I could use but when I plug in all the lights on router come on and then they go out. Is there something special about the power pack for this router? Thks
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0 If there is a particular section that I can give you let me know. I am having problems with my router and perhaps you could help me. I just bought mine used and she gave me the wrong power adapter. I found a 12Volt which I thought I could use but when I plug in all the lights on router come on and then they go out. Is there something special about the power pack for this router? Thks
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0 A file was uploaded by an anonymous user I found this manual. %5BOLD%5D%20QIG_TEW-431BRP_EN.pdf
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0 Chose yur weapn f despair :P
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