Cheetah 15K.6 FC Product Manual, Rev. A
3.3 Performance
• Programmable multi-segmentable cache buffer
• 800 Mbytes/sec maximum instantaneous data transfers per port
• 15k RPM spindle; average latency = 2.0 msec
• Command queuing of up to 128 commands
• Background processing of queue
• Supports start and stop commands (spindle stops spinning)
• Adaptive seek velocity; improved seek performance
3.4 Reliability
• Annualized Failure Rate (AFR) of 0.55%
• Increased LSI circuitry integration
• Self-Monitoring Analysis and Reporting Technology (S.M.A.R.T.)
• Dithering
• 5-year warranty
3.5 Formatted capacities
Standard OEM models are formatted to 512 bytes per block. The block size is selectable at format time and
must be one of the supported sizes listed in the table below.
Seagate designs specify capacity points at certain block sizes that Seagate guarantees current and future
products will meet. We recommend customers use this capacity in their project planning, as it ensures a stable
operating point with backward and forward compatibility from generation to generation. The current guaranteed
operating points for this product are:
3.5.1 Programmable drive capacity
Using the Mode Select command, the drive can change its capacity to something less than maximum. See the
Mode Select Parameter List table in the SCSI Commands Reference Manual. Refer to the Parameter list block
descriptor number of blocks field. A value of zero in the number of blocks field indicates that the drive shall not
change the capacity it is currently formatted to have. A number in the number of blocks field that is less than
the maximum number of LBAs changes the total drive capacity to the value in the block descriptor number of
blocks field. A value greater than the maximum number of LBAs is rounded down to the maximum capacity.
3.6 Factory-installed options
You may order the following items which are incorporated at the manufacturing facility during production or
packaged before shipping. Some of the options available are (not an exhaustive list of possible options):
• Other capacities can be ordered depending on sparing scheme and sector size requested.
Sector Size
ST3450856FC ST3300656FC ST3146356FC
Decimal Hex Decimal Hex Decimal Hex
879,097,968 3465F870 585,937,500 22ECB25C 286,749,488 11177330
860,480,771 3349E503 573,653,848 22314358 280,790,185 10BC84A9
849,011,700 329AE3F4 566,007,800 21BC97F8 275,154,368 106685C0
836,812,167 31E0BD87 557,874,778 21407E5A 272,662,935 10408197