CSA7000 Series, TDS7000 Series, & TDS6000 Series Instruments User Manual
You can trigger with the A (Main) trigger system alone or you can combine the
A (Main) trigger with the B (Delayed) trigger to trigger on sequential events.
When using sequential triggering, the A trigger event arms the trigger system
and then the B trigger event triggers the instrument when the B trigger condi-
tions are met. A and B triggers can (and typically do) have separate sources. The
B trigger condition can be based on a time delay or a specified number of
counted events. See Sequential Triggering on page 3--113 to learn how to use the
delayed trigger system.
Triggering from the Front Panel
The front panel provides quick access to the most frequently used trigger
controls. The trigger readout shows you the state of the trigger system.
The slope, coupling, and source controls only work for edge triggering. To
access the advanced trigger controls, display the Trigger Control window by
pushing the ADVANCED button (See Advanced Triggering on page 3--88 for
more information).
Use the procedure that follows when setting up the instrument to trigger using
the front-panel controls.
Overview Triggering from the front panel Control elements and resources
Prerequisites 1. The instrument must be installed and operating.
Acquisition system should be set to Run, and the
vertical and horizontal controls should be set appropri-
ately for the signal to be acquired.
See page 3--26 for acquisition setup
Delayed Trigger System
Access Procedures