
Chapter 2. Quick Start
When finished customizing these settings, click .
The settings are now in effect; however, if you reboot or if the
power is disconnected, your settings will be lost. In step 3, you
save the changes to permanent memory:
2. Click the Admin tab, and then click Commit & Reboot in
the task bar.
3. Click
A page will display briefly to confirm your changes, and then
you will be returned to the Commit & Reboot page.
You are now finished customizing basic settings. Read the following
section to determine if you need to change additional settings.
On the Quick Configuration page, you can click to
remove all existing Quick Configuration settings and return to the
default values.
Default Router Settings
The Ethernet Modem Router can provide a variety of services to
your network. The device is pre-configured with default settings for
use with a typical home or small office network.
Table 1 lists some of the most important default settings; these and
other features are described fully in subsequent chapters. If you are
familiar with network configuration, review the settings in
Table 1 to
verify that they meet the needs of your network. Refer to the Quick
Configuration page instructions (on page
33) or to the document
sections referenced in the table for further instructions. If you are
unfamiliar with these settings, try using the device without
modification, or contact your ISP for assistance.
Before you attempt to modify any settings, review Chapter
3 for
general information about accessing and using the Web
Configuration program. We strongly recommend that you contact
your ISP prior to changing the default configuration.