Accton Technology 24/48-Port Switch User Manual

Link Aggregation Commands
Table 46-3 show lacp internal - display description
Field Description
Oper Key Current operational value of the key for the aggregation port.
Admin Key Current administrative value of the key for the aggregation port.
LACPDUs Internal Number of seconds before invalidating received LACPDU information.
LACP System Priority LACP system priority assigned to this port channel.
LACP Port Priority LACP port priority assigned to this interface within the channel group.
Admin State,
Oper State
Administrative or operational values of the actor’s state parameters:
Expired – The actor’s receive machine is in the expired state;
Defaulted – The actor’s receive machine is using defaulted operational partner
information, administratively configured for the partner.
Distributing – If false, distribution of outgoing frames on this link is disabled; i.e.,
distribution is currently disabled and is not expected to be enabled in the absence
of administrative changes or changes in received protocol information.
Collecting – Collection of incoming frames on this link is enabled; i.e., collection is
currently enabled and is not expected to be disabled in the absence of
administrative changes or changes in received protocol information.
Synchronization – The System considers this link to be IN_SYNC; i.e., it has been
allocated to the correct Link Aggregation Group, the group has been associated
with a compatible Aggregator, and the identity of the Link Aggregation Group is
consistent with the System ID and operational Key information transmitted.
Aggregation – The system considers this link to be aggregatable; i.e., a potential
candidate for aggregation.
Long timeout – Periodic transmission of LACPDUs uses a slow transmission rate.
LACP-Activity – Activity control value with regard to this link. (0: Passive; 1: Active)
Console#show lacp 1 neighbors
Port channel 1 neighbors
Eth 1/1
Partner Admin System ID: 32768, 00-00-00-00-00-00
Partner Oper System ID: 32768, 00-01-F4-78-AE-C0
Partner Admin Port Number: 2
Partner Oper Port Number: 2
Port Admin Priority: 32768
Port Oper Priority: 32768
Admin Key: 0
Oper Key: 3
Admin State: defaulted, distributing, collecting,
synchronization, long timeout,
Oper State: distributing, collecting, synchronization,
aggregation, long timeout, LACP-activity
Table 46-4 show lacp neighbors - display description
Field Description
Partner Admin System ID LAG partner’s system ID assigned by the user.
Partner Oper System ID LAG partner’s system ID assigned by the LACP protocol.