Advanced Reference GuideEtherHub 1500 System
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System Menu
Menu Description
Information Displays EtherHub system information.
Configuration Modifies various parameter settings necessary for communicating with
the management agent.
Trap Managers Selects management stations to receive trap messages from the system.
Download Downloads a binary file to the SNMP agent.
Restart Resets the SNMP agent.
Factory Settings Reverts all configuration settings to the original factory settings.
Save Configuration Saves the configuration changes made during the current session.
Reset Configuration Restores the last saved configuration.
Displaying System Information - Use the Information command to display and
modify system information about the EtherHub stack, or for quick system
identification. View a description of the system, including:
Field Description
System Description Name and version of the EtherHub-16mi
System Uptime Length of time the EtherHub management agent has been running.
System Name Name assigned to the EtherHub system.
Contact Contact person for the system.
Location Specifies the area or location where the system resides.
Changing System Configuration - Use the Configuration command from the
System Menu to modify current values for the following parameters:
Field Description
IP Address IP address of the agent you're managing. The EtherHub system may
be run on SNMP protocol over UDP/IP transport protocol. In this
environment, all systems on the Internet, such as network interconnection
devices and Network Management Stations (e.g., the PC running
AccView) are assigned an IP address.
MAC Address Hardware address of EtherHub-16mi
Subnet Mask Subnet mask of the agent you've selected. This mask identifies the
host address bits used for routing to specific subnets.
Default Gateway Default gateway used in passing trap messages from the EtherHub
agent to the management station.
Default NMS For internal use only.
NMS-Download File For internal use only.
IPX Frame Type The selected format used on the LAN; i.e., type used by the IPX
network where the EtherHub-16mi
is installed. If the specified frame
type is not detected, the EtherHub-16mi
will automatically detect the
current type. (Values: 802.3, Ethernet II, SNAP, 802.2)
IPX Network Number Identifies the IPX network number for the connected slot. You can
disable IPX protocol by setting this number to zero.
Assigning Trap Managers - Use the Trap Managers command from the
System Menu to modify current values for the following parameters: