24 Chapter 1
LCD Inverter (not available with this model)
LCD Display Supported Resolution
3G Module (not available with this model)
Item Specification
Vendor & model name
Brightness conditions
Input voltage (v)
Input current (mA)
Output voltage (V, RMS)
Output current (mA, RMS)
Output voltage frequency (KHz)
Resolution 16 bits 32 bits Intel NVIDIA ATI
800x600p/60Hz 16:9 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
1024x768p/60Hz 16:9 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
1280x600/60Hz 16:9 Yes Yes Yes N/A N/A
1280x720/60Hz 16:9 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
1280x768/60Hz 16:9 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
1360x768/60Hz 16:9 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
1366x768/60Hz 16:9 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Item Specification
Vendor and model Chicony CNF9157,
Lite-on 09P2SF119,
Suyin HF1315-S32B-OV01
Type 1.3M
Interface USB
Focusing range >26.6cm
Dimensions (L x W x H mm) 65.3x8.1x3.8mm
Sensor type SOC
Pixel resolution 1280x1024
Pixel size 2µmx2µm
Image size 2608µ m x 2072µ m
Item Specification
Card Type
Supported Services