31 Chapter 2
Advanced BIOS Features
The following screen shows the Advanced BIOS Features:
Parameter Description Options
Hard Disk Boot Priority This features displays the Hard Disk Boot
Device priority from high to low and allows
users to set the Hard Disk Boot Device
Priority. Press [Enter] to enter the setting
screen. Use wory to select a device, then
press <+> to move it up, or <-> to move it
down the list. Press <ESC> to exit.
[Press Enter]
Virus Warning This feature allows you to enable the
VIRUS warning function for IDE Hard Disk
boot sector protection. If this function is
enabled and there is someone attempt to
write data into this area, BIOS will show a
warning message on screen and the alarm
will beep.
Quick Power On Self Test This feature allows the system to skip
certain tests while booting. When this
function is enabled, it will decrease the
time needed to boot the system, which
means to quick power on self test function
First / Second / Third
Boot Device
The item allows you to set the sequence of
boot device where BIOS attempts to load
the disk operating system.
Floppy, LS120, Hard Disk, CD-
Hard Disk Boot Priority
[Press Enter]
Virus Warning [Disabled]
Quick Power on Self Test [Enabled]
First Boot Device [Floppy]
Second Boot Device [Hard Disk]
Third Boot Device [CDROM]
Boot From Other Device [Enabled]
Swap Floppy Drive [Disabled]
Boot Up Floppy Seek [Disabled] protection.If this
Boot Up Numlock Status [On] function is enabled
Gate A20 Option [Fast] and someone attempt to
Typematic Rate Setting [Enabled] write data into this area,
X Typematic Rate (Chars/Secs) 6 BIOS will show a
X Typematic Delay (Msec) 250 warning message on
Security Option [Setup] screen and alarm beep
APIC Mode [Enabled]
MPS Version Control for OS [1.4]
OS Select For DRAM > 64MB [Non-OS2]
HDD S.M.A.R.T. Capability [Disabled]
F5:Previous Values F7:Optimized Defaults
:Move Enter:Select +/-/PU/PD:Value F10:Save ESC:Exit F1:General Help
feature for IDE Hard
Disk boot sector
Phoenix - Award BIOS CMOS Setup Utility
Advanced BIOS Features
the VIRUS warning
Item Help
Menu Level
Allows you to choose