Electrical Requirements of X233HZ&X243HQ
Standard Test Conditions
All tests shall be performed under the following conditions, unless otherwise specified.
Warm up time > 30 min.
AC supply voltage
230V± 5%, 50± 3 Hz
Ambient temperature
20°C ± 5°C
65% ± 20%
Display mode
1920 x 1080, 60 Hz, Pixel Clock:148.5MHZ,all white
e-color mode Set to “User” mode
Contrast control
Set to The value under user mode, which allows that the brightest
two of 32 linear distributed gray-scales (0~ 700mv) can be
Color temperature 6500°K
Brightness control The value under user mode
Analog Input signal 700 mVss
Picture position and size Factory preset value,
Viewing angle 90 ° H and V
Viewing distance 40 cm for LCD performance, 20 cm for LCD failures
Ambient illumination Dark room < 1 cd/m2
Measurement systems
The units of measure stated in this document are listed below:
1 gamma = 1 nano tesla
1 tesla = 10,000 gauss
cm = in x 2.54
Lb = kg x 2.2
Degrees F = [°C x 1.8] + 32
Degrees C = [°F - 32]/1.8
u' = 4x/(-2x + 12y + 3)
v' = 9y/(-2x + 12y + 3)
x = (27u'/4)/[(9u'/2) - 12v' + 9]
y = (3v')/[(9u'/2) - 12v' + 9]
nits = cd/(m2) = Ft-L x 3.426
lux = foot-candle x 10.76