Spec Sheet
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104222AE 3/07 Original © 2007 ADC Telecommunications, Inc. All Rights Reserved
Description Dimensions Catalog Number
2-port surface mount box
Features 1 outlet labeling area and 2 individual port
ID areas. Includes 1 blank paper label, 1 clear plastic
label protectors,1 logo insert, reversible-icon ID tabs
numbered 1-6 (icon colors match faceplate), and
hook-and-loop fastener strips. Knockouts allow cable
and raceway access
1" x 2.25" x 2.31"
(25.4 x 57.2 x 58.67 mm)
6644 1 222-XX
4-port surface mount box
Features 1 outlet labeling area and 4 individual port
ID areas. Includes 1 blank paper label, 1 clear plastic
label protectors,reversible-icon ID tabs numbered 1-
6 (icon colors match faceplate), 1 screw for locking
down cover and hook-and-loop fastener strips.
Knockouts allow cable and raceway access
2.88" x 4.25" x 1"
(73.15 x 107.95 x 25.4 mm)
6644 1 224-XX
6-port surface mount box
Features 2 outlet labeling area and 6 individual port
ID areas. Includes 1 blank paper label, 1 clear plastic
label protectors,reversible-icon ID tabs numbered 1-
6 (icon colors match faceplate), 2 mounting screws
(#6-32x15/16") and hook-and-loop fastener strips.
Knockouts allow cable access from 3 sides
3.38" x 6" x 1.5"
(85.85 x 152.4 x 38.1 mm)
6644 2 201-XX
12-port surface mount box
Features discreate port labeling and 6-port cable
guides for cable management.
1.61" x 3.13" x 0.38"
(40.9 x 79.5 x 9.65 mm)
6644 1 460-XX
O rd e r in g I nf o rm a t io n
Surface Mount Boxes
Replace XX in catalog number to indicate color:
01 = White 02 = Ivory 03 = Gray 04 = Black 22 = Electrical Ivory
Description Catalog Number
ID tabs with icons numbered 1-6
Set of 6 reversible ID tabs numbered 1-6. Snap into individual port identification area
above jack or connector opening. Data icon on one side, voice icon on other; same
number appears on both sides
6631 2 125-XX
Paper labels for faceplates
Adhesive lables come pre-cut on white 8.5" x 11' sheet, 190 lables per sheet.
Accommodates hand or laser printing. Fit in lable area on front of modular faceplates.
6631 3 100-06
O rd e r in g I nf o rm a t io n
Replace XX in catalog number to indicate color for ICON's:
01 = White 02 = Ivory 03 = Gray 04 = Black 05 = Red
06 = Blue 07 = Green 08 = Yellow 09 = Purple 10 = Orange