ISU 2x64 Dual Port ISDN Service Unit User Manual 61200051L1-1D
Integrated service digital network. A network architecture that enables end-to-
end digital connections. The network supports diverse services through integrat-
ed access arrangements and defines a limited set of standard, multipurpose inter-
faces for equipment vendors, network providers, and customers. Interworking
with a public switched telephone network is retained.
Local Access and Transport Area. One of 161 local telephone serving areas in the
United States, generally encompassing the largest standard statistical metropoli-
tan areas. Subdivisions established as a result of the AT&T divestiture that now
distinguish local from long distance service. Circuits with both end-points within
the LATA (intraLATA) are generally the sole responsibility of the local telephone
company, while circuits that cross outside the LATA (interLATA) are passed on to
an interexchange carrier.
A diagnostic procedure where data is sent to the device being tested, and the out-
put of the device is fed directly back to its input, looped around, and the returning
data is checked against that which was sent.
loopback test
A test typically run on a 4-wire circuit. Two transmit leads are joined to the two
receive leads. A signal is then sent around the loop. Measuring differences be-
tween the sent and received signal is the essence of a loopback test.
master clock
The source of timing signals, or the signals themselves, which all network stations
use for synchronization.
The Layer 3 information that is passed between the CPE and SPCS for signalling.
The combining of multiple data channels onto a single transmission medium. Any
process through which a circuit normally dedicated to a single user can be shared
by multiple users. Typically, user data streams are interleaved on a bit or byte ba-
sis (time division) or separated by different carrier frequencies (frequency divi-
multipoint circuit
A circuit consisting of three or more stations connected directly electrically.