Chapter 3. Configuration
3-24 MX2800 STS-1 User Manual 61200659L1-1
Power Supply Alarms
Alarm Description
Activity Loss
When enabled, the CRITICAL relay will be
thrown if the Activity Loss Status indicates the
failure of an internal clock. The alarm will remain
active until the condition clears or the alarm is
acknowledged by the user.
Alarm Description
Malfunction Power supply card is no longer working. The
unit has switched to the backup power supply or
battery backup.
Power Low Power supply’s output level is abnormally low.
Power Fail Power supply card’s input power is lost.
Bat. Backup
Battery charger has lost its AC source and is
now running off the battery backup.
Battery Low Battery backup has reached a critical energy
point at which it may be unable to supply the unit
with sufficient power to maintain operation.
Power supply card temperature is above
Power supply card temperature is so high that it
may suffer damage.