9 Chapter2
2.2 DIP-Switch
The DIP-Switch is used to configure operation mode for LFP (Link Fault Pass-
Through) and operation mode for UTP/Fiber port. The default value of DIP-switch is
Table 2.2: EKI-2741series DIP-Switch Definition
S/W No Status Description
ON Enables Port/Power Alarm
OFF Disable Port/Power Alarm
ON Enables LFP
OFF Disables LFP
Link Fault Pass-Through (DIP-Switch 2): When LFP is enabled, it allows UTP link
failures to be reported to the fiber side and also allows Fiber link failures to be reported
to the UTP side. Therefore, a link loss forwarding feature is provided in both UTP and
Fiber side.
Note Please don’t change the DIP-switch setting when UTP or fiber port is
transmitting or receiving data. It may cause some data error. Besides, if you
change the DIP-switch setting, please power off the converter and power on
again to make the setting effective.