
Alignment Procedures
Alignment Program (continued)
2090 !
2100 !
2110 Cal_current: SUB Cal_current(I_range) ! Subprogram to cal current
2120 COM /Ps/ Chan,Other_chan,@Ps,Model$[7]
2130 !
2140 IF I_range= .5 THEN GOTO Cal_i ! Skip setup instructions
2150 !
2160 Output_off
2170 !
2180 Clear_screen
2190 PRINT "Set up output";Chan;"for";I_range;”A current calibration”
2200 PRINT
2210 IF I_range=2 THEN ! If the next cal range is 2
2220 ! amps then print this message
2230 PRINT " Use Fig A-3 of the Operating Manual"
2240 PRINT
2250 PRINT “3458A input is connected to VOLTAGE terminals”
2260 PRINT
2270 PRINT “The current shunt IS used”
2280 ELSE ! If not 2 amps then print this
2290 PRINT “Use Fig A-2 of the Operating Manual”
2300 PRINT
2310 PRINT “3458A input is connected to CURRENT terminals”
2320 PRINT
2330 PRINT “The current shunt is NOT used”
2340 END IF
2350 PRINT
2360 PRINT “Press CONTINUE when ready”
2370 PAUSE
2380 Output_on
2390 !
2400 Cal_i : !
2410 Clear_screen
2420 PRINT "Calibrating the";I_range;"A current programming
2430 !
2440 OUTPUT @Ps;"IRSET";Chan,I_range ! Set current range
2450 OUTPUT @Ps;''ILO'';Chan ! Set output current low
2460 WAIT 1 ! Wait for supply to stabilize
2470 Ilo=FNDci(I_range) ! Read low output current
2480 !
2490 OUTPUT @Ps;"IHI";Chan ! Set output current high
2500 WAIT 1 ! Wait for supply to stabilize
2510 Ihi=FNDci(I_range) ! Read high output current
2520 !
2530 OUTPUT @Ps;”IDATA”;chan,Ilo,Ihi ! Set output current data
2540 !
2550 Clear_screen
2560 PRINT 'Calibrating the";I_range;"A current readback"
2570 !
2580 OUTPUT @Ps;"IRLO";Chan ! Set low readback current
2590 REPEAT ! Wait for supply to finish
2600 UNTIL BIT(SPOLL(@Ps),4) ! Finished when Bit 4 goes true