4 - Language Dictionary
Table 4-1. Subsystem Commands Syntax
ABORt Resets the trigger system to the Idle state
CALibrate :
[:DC] [:POSitive]
Calibrate positive output current and high current
measurement range
Calibrate negative output current
[:DC] :LOWRange Calibrate low current measurement range
:AC Calibrate ac current measurement circuits
:DATA <n> Input a calibration measurement
:LEVel <level> Advance to next calibration step (P1 | P2)
:PASSword <n> Set calibration password
:SAVE Save new cal constants in non-volatile memory
:STATE <bool> [,<n>] Enable or disable calibration mode
[:DC] Calibrate output voltage and voltage readback
:PROTection Begin voltage protection calibration sequence
[:STATe] <bool> Enable/disable front panel display
:MODE <mode> Set display mode (NORM | TEXT)
:TEXT [:DATA] <string> Sets the text that is displayed
:SEQuence[<n>] Initiate a specific numbered sequence (1 | 2)
:NAME <name> Initiate a specific named sequence (TRAN | ACQ)
:SEQuence1, <bool> Set continuous initialization
:NAME TRANsient, <bool> Set continuous initialization
:CURRent [:DC]? Returns the digitized instantaneous current
:VOLTage [:DC]? Returns the digitized instantaneous voltage
:CURRent [:DC]? Returns dc current
:ACDC? Returns the total rms current (ac+dc)
:HIGH? Returns the HIGH level of a current pulse
:LOW? Returns the LOW level of a current pulse
:MAX? Returns maximum current
:MIN? Returns minimum current
:VOLTage [:DC]? Returns dc voltage
:ACDC? Returns the total rms voltage (ac+dc)
:HIGH? Returns the HIGH level of a voltage pulse
:LOW? Returns the LOW level of a voltage pulse
:MAX? Returns maximum voltage
:MIN? Returns minimum voltage