3 - Programming the DC Source
event to be summed into the Questionable summary bit. Use:
STATus:QUEStionable:PTR 19;ENABle 19 (1 + 2 + 16 = 19)
Step 3
Program the Service Request Enable register to allow both the Operation and the
Questionable summary bits from the Status Byte register to generate RQS. Use:
*SRE 136 (8 + 128 = 136)
Step 4
When you service the request, read the event registers to determine which Operation
Status and Questionable Status Event register bits are set, and clear the registers for
the next event. Use:
Monitoring Both Phases of a Status Transition
You can monitor a status signal for both its positive and negative transitions. For example, to generate
RQS when the dc source either enters the CC+ (constant current) condition or leaves that condition,
program the Operational Status PTR/NTR filter as follows:
STATus:OPERational:PTR 1024;NTR 1024
STATus:OPERational:ENABle 1024;*SRE 128
The PTR filter will cause the OPERational summary bit to set RQS when CC+ occurs. When the
controller subsequently reads the event register with STATus:OPERational:EVEN?, the register is cleared.
When CC+ subsequently goes false, the NTR filter causes the OPERational summary bit to again set
Inhibit/Fault Indicator
The remote inhibit(INH) and discrete fault(FLT) indicators are implemented through the respective INH
and FLT connections on the rear panel. Refer to Table 1-2 for the electrical parameters.
Remote Inhibit (RI)
Remote inhibit is an external, chassis-referenced logic signal routed through the rear panel INH
connection, which allows an external device to signal a fault. To select an operating modes for the remote
inhibit signal, use:
Discrete Fault Indicator (DFI)
The discrete fault indicator is an open-collector logic signal connected to the rear panel FLT connection,
that can be used to signal external devices when a fault condition is detected. To select the internal fault
source that drives this signal, use:
OUTPut:DFI:SOURce QUEStionable | OPERation | ESB | RQS | OFF
To enable or disable the DFI output, use: