Alcatel-Lucent OMSN Product Family 3
Today’s carriers and service providers require optical solutions for metro and
regional networks that are capable of providing the capacity, reliability, flexibility
and scalability to efficiently address the new communication paradigm. Together
with traditional TDM-based functions and carrier-transport technologies that
support vast revenue streams, new packet-based services for broadband applications
are expanding at an unprecedented pace and need to be cost effectively delivered
over an efficient, broadband-aggregation infrastructure.
Metro broadband aggregation
The Alcatel-Lucent OMSN family integrates transport
and packet-switching technologies, delivering metro
networking solutions that support new broadband service
delivery. With these capabilities, the Alcatel-Lucent OMSN
products address metro and regional applications and offer
a multiservice transport platform (MSTP) to support
revenues from multiple broadband services, including:
(VPLS) business services such as:
¬ Mobile backhaul aggregation
¬ Transport and lambda services
Single solution offering carrier
transport and packet switching
transport of packet-based data
applications within the existing
optical infrastructure
network topologies: ring, star
and mesh
carrier-transport functions
with reliability features
provisioning, monitoring
and troubleshooting
Internet, voice and video
services in a unified and
homogeneous environment
quality and performance to
support the most stringent SLA