16 Your First Login Session June 2007
Unlocking Session Types
Security is a key feature on OmniSwitch 6850 Series switches.
As a result, when you access the switch for the first time, you
must use a direct console port connection. All other session
types (Telnet, FTP, WebView, SNMP, etc.) are “locked out”
until they are manually unlocked by the user.
The CLI command used to unlock session types is
aaa authentication.
Note. When you unlock session types, you are granting
switch access to non-local sessions (e.g., Telnet). As a
result, users who know the correct user login and pass-
word will have remote access to the switch. For more
information on switch security, refer to the “Managing
Switch User Accounts” chapter of your OmniSwitch 6800/
6850/9000 Switch Management Guide.
Unlocking All Session Types
To unlock all session types, enter the following command
syntax at the CLI prompt:
-> aaa authentication default local
Unlocking Specified Session Types
You can also unlock session types on a one-by-one basis. For
example, to unlock Telnet sessions only, enter the following
-> aaa authentication telnet local
To unlock WebView (HTTP) sessions only, enter the follow-
ing command:
-> aaa authentication http local
You cannot specify more than one session type in a single
command line. However, you can still unlock multiple session
types by using the aaa authentication command in succes-
sion. For example:
-> aaa authentication http local
-> aaa authentication telnet local
-> aaa authentication ftp local