Alcatel-Lucent 735x ISAM FTTB Product Portfolio 3
Brokering the
new world of triple play
Video has become a key agent of change. Service providers
are being forced to innovate by offering competitively
differentiated services and by exploring new business
models based on targeted advertising, e-commerce integra-
tion, and revenue sharing with application and content
providers. While services such as these are boosting ARPU
(average revenue per user), they are also placing unprec-
edented stress on the traditional high-speed Internet
Consider these facts: end users downloaded 100 billion
Internet video clips in 2007; by 2011, streaming video content
will increase from 0.3 Exabytes (EBs) to 10 EB. What’s
more, analysts are predicting 55 million IPTV subscribers
in three years time. Just as significant, Youtube currently
accounts for 10 percent of all Internet traffic, while over-the-
top streaming comprises 20 percent. All of this, coupled
with the fact that the top four user generated content (UGC)
providers — Youtube, Google, Yahoo, and MSN — with a
combined audience of 94 million, is driving service providers
to provide not only the required bandwidth but also the
necessary quality of experience (QoE) that their end users
want and expect.
To meet this challenge — to provide the scalability and
quality that these video applications require — service
providers need to determine the best strategy to meet
escalating bandwidth requirements. Among other things,
they need to identify the most economical point for fiber
deployment, while also leveraging their existing copper
assets. Put somewhat differently, they need to find a cost-
effective solution capable of assuring the QoE required to
deliver triple play services in both high and low density
areas. The good news is that, in combination with Alcatel-
Lucent ISAM portfolio, the Alcatel-Lucent 735x FTTB
ISAM Product Family is letting service providers extend
the triple play offer to all subscribers in order to achieve
100-percent coverage.
The Alcatel-Lucent 735x ISAM FTTB Product Family
is the newest addition to the ISAM family, and gives
service providers the flexibility and scalability neces-
sary for the successful delivery of triple play services.
By allowing operators to deploy DSLAM equipment
closer to the subscriber — typically in building, curb,
or cabinet deployments — the Alcatel-Lucent 735x
ISAM FTTB Product Family enables cost-effective
delivery of triple play services. Besides the standard
Ethernet and GPON aggregation technologies, the
735x family also supports the unique Distributed
DSLAM concept, which allows operators to manage
small DSLAMs as remote linecards of a central host,
resulting in low aggregation CAPEX and low OPEX.