Printed copies of the Technote are available from Field Copy and Printing,
telephone 1-415-323-3155. The Technotes are also available on the reference
library issues of the Developer CD.
For information about the latest version of the PC Card Manager, developers
should refer to the PC Card Manager v3.0 SDK. The SDK is available on the
March 1997 Reference Library edition of the Developer CD and on the Apple
Developer World web site at
Developers should also have copies of the relevant books of the
available in technical bookstores.
Conventions and Abbreviations 0
This developer note uses the following typographical conventions and
Typographical Conventions 0
A note like this contains information that is of interest but is not
essential for an understanding of the text.
A note like this contains important information that you should read
before proceeding.
Abbreviations 0
When unusual abbreviations appear in this developer note, the corresponding
terms are also spelled out. Standard units of measure and other widely used
abbreviations are not spelled out.
Here are the standard units of measure used in this developer note:
GB gigabytes MHz megahertz
M meg (1,048,576) ns nanoseconds
MB megabytes V volts