
Troubleshooting Symptom Charts/Video - 14
Pixels shimmer at
edge of screen, dialog
boxes, or windows.
If Power Macintosh 5500/225 serial number falls within the
range from TY705xxxxx to TY715xxxxx, replace the logic board
with a reworked logic board, P/N 661-1322. To identify a
reworked logic board, see Additional Procedures chapter.
Power Macintosh
computers with the
Apple Video System
card running Mac OS
7.6.1, 8.0, and 8.1
freeze during a video
capture and restart
with less hard drive
space available.
1 Refrain from moving or clicking the mouse repeatedly while
doing a video capture.
2 Restart with the Mac OS system software or the Disk Tools
diskette. Repair the hard drive with Disk First Aid to restore
any space that was lost in the system freeze.
3 Verify the I/O controller chip at location U5 on the logic
board has the silk-screen number 34S0185 on the chip. If
so, replace the logic board.