
Basics Digital Audio Video (DAV) Technology - 25
Digital Audio Video (DAV)
The optional video input card has a separate connector called
the DAV connector. The DAV connector provides access from a
PCI card to the video input card by means of a 60-pin cable.
This allows the PCI expansion card to use the video card to
transfer real-time video data to the computer. The video
card accepts video from an external source and displays it in
a window on the computer’s monitor.
The interface of the 60-pin DAV connector is a
superset of the interface on the 34-pin DVA connector on the
Power Macintosh 5200, Power Macintosh 6200, and Quadra
630 computers. An adapter cable is provided with the
Performa 6400 video-in cards to connect 34-pin DVA
compatible cards developed for the Power Macintosh 5200
and 6200 computers to the new 60-pin DAV connector.