Apple 7200/90 Personal Computer User Manual

Basics Overview - 1
The chassis design of the Power Macintosh 7200 Series and
WS 7250 computers allows you to access the logic board and
its components without having to remove the power supply
or any drives. This flexible design makes these computers
easier to service and upgrade.
Features of the Power Macintosh 7200 Series include
A 75, 90, or 120 MHz PowerPC™ 601 microprocessor
with built-in FPU and optional Level 2 cache
Three PCI expansion slots
5 MB per second internal and external SCSI channels
DRAM expansion up to 256 MB using 168-pin, 70 ns,
64-bit DIMMs
1 MB of soldered VRAM, expandable to 2 or 4 MB
Built-in AAUI and 10BASE-T Ethernet
Two GeoPort serial ports