
112 Subtitles and closed captions
113 Mono audio and balance
113 Assignable tones
113 Guided Access
114 Switch Control
116 AssistiveTouch
117 Widescreen keyboards
117 Accessibility in OS X
118 Appendix B: iPad in Business
118 iPad in the enterprise
118 Mail, Contacts, and Calendar
118 Network access
118 Apps
120 Appendix C: International Keyboards
120 Use international keyboards
121 Special input methods
123 Appendix D: Safety, Handling, & Support
123 Important safety information
125 Important handling information
125 iPad Support site
126 Restart or reset iPad
126 Reset iPad settings
126 An app doesn’t ll the screen
127 Onscreen keyboard doesn’t appear
127 Get information about your iPad
127 Usage information
127 Disabled iPad
127 VPN settings
128 Proles settings
128 Back up iPad
129 Update and restore iPad software
129 Cellular settings
130 Sound, music, and video
131 Sell or give away iPad?
132 Learning more, service, and support
132 FCC compliance statement
133 Canadian regulatory statement
133 Disposal and recycling information
134 Apple and the environment
Contents 6