Protect the device from tampering
with the multi-level security options
Editing channels is
simplifi ed when you
copy and paste channels
and then fi ne-tune the
Sample Application
16 X 8 Matrix
8 Microphone, 3 Stereo Line Inputs, 2 Spare Inputs - 8 Outputs
Input Section
Output Section
Setting up a
system on your
PC and then
downloading the
preset to the
device saves
valuable fi eld
Protea 24.24M Matrix Processor
WR-3 Programmable Multifunction Remote
Protea System Software for PC control of the Protea 24.24M may be downloaded free from our web site. Use it to control the
24.24M, 4.24C, 4.24D, 4.24G, 4.24GS, 4.24PS, 2.24GS and 2.24PS. Download it now to preview the capabilities of the Protea
System II Digital Products. Protea System Software operates on Windows™ 95, 98, 2000, XP and NT platforms.
The 24.24M can be confi gured to be controlled by up to four
separate WR-3 Wall remotes. The WR-3 select buttons can
be mapped to one of six functions including Preset Recall,
Preset Scroll, Input Gain Control, Output Gain Control,
Input Mute Control and Output Mute Control. Confi guration
data is stored in the 24.24M and not in the WR-3.