ASUS Xonar D1
7. RMAA Test Guide
The Xonar D1 driver CD includes RightMark Audio Analyzer (RMAA) v5.6, a
popular software intended for testing the quality of audio equipment, be it a sound
card, portable MP3 player, consumer CD/DVD player, or a speaker system. The
measurements are conducted by playing and recording test signals, and using
frequency analysis algorithms. The following provides a step-by-step loop-back
test guide for your Xonar D1 audio card.
7.1 Setting Up Xonar D1 Audio Card
Open the Xonar D1 Audio Center. Use the settings below:
1. Select the sample rate you will be using with RMAA (here we set 48KHz for
testing 48KHz/24bit signals).
2. Set analog output to 2-speaker mode (to get rid of any channel processing
over RMAA stereo signals in the driver)
3. Turn off all sound effects including Dolby, 7.1 speaker shifter, EQ,
Environment, etc. A quick way to do so is to enable the “Hi-Fi mode” button in
the Audio Center.