Your friend’s device displays the transferred content. Or, if the
necessary app isn’t installed, Google Play opens to a screen
where your friend can download the app.
TIP: When you touch another device to the back of your
Nexus 7, make sure it’s near the “u” in “nexus” to success-
fully beam content.
To turn on NFC, go to Settings > Wireless & net-
works > More > NFC.
To turn on Android Beam, go to Settings > Wireless
& networks > More > Android Beam.
Connect to Bluetooth devices
Bluetooth is a short-range wireless communications technology
used to communicate between devices over a distance of about
8 meters. The most common Bluetooth devices are headsets for
making calls or listening to music, hands-free kits for cars, and
other portable devices, including laptops.
To connect to a Bluetooth device, rst turn on your tablet’s
Bluetooth. Then, the rst time you use a new Bluetooth device,
you need to “pair” it with your tablet so that both devices know
how to connect securely to each other. After that, they connect
To extend the life of your battery between charges, turn off Blue-
tooth when you’re not using it. You may also be required to turn
Bluetooth off in some locations. Bluetooth is turned off when you
switch to Airplane mode.
System bar icons indicate Bluetooth status.