Asus P5B-E Plus Computer Hardware User Manual

5-8 Chapter 5: Software support
5.3 Software information
Most of the applications in the support CD have wizards that will conveniently guide
you through the installation. View the online help or readme le that came with the
software application for more information.
5.3.1 ASUS MyLogo2™
The ASUS MyLogo2™ utility lets you customize the boot logo. The boot logo is the
image that appears on screen during the Power-On-Self-Tests (POST). The ASUS
MyLogo2™ is automatically installed when you install the ASUS Update utility from
the support CD. See section “
5.2.3 Utilities menu
” for details.
Before using the ASUS MyLogo2™, use the AFUDOS utility to make a copy
of your original BIOS le, or obtain the latest BIOS version from the ASUS
website. See section “4.1.4 AFUDOS utility.”
Make sure that the BIOS item
Full Screen Logo is set to [Enabled]
if you wish to use ASUS MyLogo2. See section “4.6.2 Boot Settings
You can create your own boot logo image in GIF, JPG, or BMP le formats.
To launch the ASUS MyLogo2™:
1. Launch the
ASUS Update
utility. Refer to section “
4.1.1 ASUS Update
” for details.
2. Select
from the drop down menu, then click
3. Check the option
Launch MyLogo
to replace system boot logo before
ashing BIOS, then click
4. Select Update BIOS from a le from the drop down menu, then click Next.
5. When prompted, locate the new BIOS le, then click
. The
window appears.
6. From the left window pane, select the
folder that contains the image you
intend to use as your boot logo.