Asus P5SD2-VM Computer Hardware User Manual

2-22 Chapter 2: BIOS setup
Primary Graphics Adapter [PCI-E]
Internal VGA [Enable]
DRAM CAS# Latency [By SPD]
Share Memory Size [128MB]
North Br idge Configurat ion
Primary Graphics Adapter [PCI-E]
Allows selection of the graphics controller to use as primary boot device.
Conguration options: [PCI] [PCI-E] [IntVGA]
Internal VGA [Enable]
Allows you to enable or disable internal VGA.
Conguration options: [Disable] [Enable]
DRAM CAS# Latency [By SPD]
Controls the latency between the SDRAM read command and the time the data
actually becomes available. Conguration options: [By SPD] [3T] [4T] [5T]
Share Memory Size [32MB]
Sets the share memory size. Conguration options: [32MB] [64MB] [128MB]
[256MB] [Disabled]
2.4.3 Chipset
The Chipset menu allows you to change the advanced chipset settings. Select an
item then press <Enter> to display the sub-menu.
North Bridge SIS672 Conguration
South Bridge SIS968 Conguration
Options for NB
This will switch the
PCI Bus scanning
order while searching
for video card.
This allows to
select the type of
Primary VGA in case
of multiple video