Asus P8B-E/4L Computer Hardware User Manual

ASUS P8B-E/4L 4-25
Network stack [Disable]
Enables or disables the network stack feature.
Conguration options: [Disable] [Enable]
4.5.14 Network Stack
Aptio Setup Utility - Copyright (C) 2010 American Megatrends, Inc.
Enable/Disable the network
stack (Pxe and UEFI)
Network stack [Disable]
Stop Bits [1]
Stop bits indicate the end of a serial data packet. (A start bit indicates the
beginning.) The standard setting is 1 stop bit. Communication with slow
devices may require more than 1 stop bit. Conguration options: [1] [2]
Flow Control [None]
Flow control can prevent data loss from buffer overow. When sending data,
if the receiving buffers are full, a “stop” signal can be sent to stop the data
ow. Once the buffers are empty, a “start” signal can be sent to re-start the
ow. Hardware ow control uses two wires to send start/stop signals.
Conguration options: [None] [Hardware RTS/CTS]
Recorder Mode [Disabled]
With this mode enabled only text will be sent. This is to capture Terminal data.
Conguration options: [Disabled] [Enabled]
Legacy OS Redirction Resolution [80x24]
Congures the number of rows and columns supported on legacy OS.
Conguration options: [80x24] [80x25]
Console Redirection [Enabled]
Enables or disables the console redirection feature.
Conguration options: [Disabled] [Enabled]
Console Redirection Settings
Please refer to the description of the
Console Redirection Settings
item under
COM0 for details.