LED projector E-Manual
Caring for your LED projector
• SwitchothenunplugtheLEDprojectorfromthepoweroutlet
before cleaning it.
• WhencleaningtheLEDprojector’shousing,useacleansoft
cloth dampened with water or a mix of water and neutral
detergent. Wipe it dry using a soft dry cloth.
• Ensurethatthelensiscoolbeforecleaningit.Gentlywipethe
lens using a lens cleaning paper. Do not touch the lens with
your hands.
• Donotuseliquidoraerosolecleaners,benzene,orthinnerson
your LED projector.
• NeveroperatethisLEDprojectorimmediatelyaftermovingit
from a cold location. When the LED projector is exposed to a
drastic change in temperature, moisture may condense on the
lens and its other internal parts. To prevent this, use the unit two
(2) hours after an extreme or sudden change in temperature
Proper disposal
Do not throw your LED projector in municipal waste. This
product has been designed to enable proper reuse of parts
and recycling. The symbol of the crossed out wheeled bin
indicates that the product (electrical, electronic equipment
and mercury-containing button cell battery) should not
be placed in municipal waste. Check local regulations for
disposal of electronic products.
Do not throw the battery in municipal waste. The symbol
of the crossed out wheeled bin indicates that the battery
should not be placed in municipal waste.