ATI Radeon 9200 Graphics Card with TV-Out Installation Guide 7
Filename: m3adati.doc Title: Self-cover booklet [6.25 x 7.75]
Template: Author: JimL Last Saved By: JimL
Revision #: 6 Page: 7 of 12 Printed: 05/01/03 10:02 AM
The following table is an explanation of each ATI
tab that is present after the driver is installed.
OpenGL Fine-tunes the settings for
OpenGL games
Direct 3D Fine-tunes the settings for Direct
3D games
Options Provides driver information and
card specifications
Overlay Configures the brightness,
contrast, saturation, hue, and
gamma properties of video
General Adjusts the dots per inch (DPI)
Adapter Provides specifications
about your Radeon 9200
Graphics Card
Monitor Adjusts the screen refresh rate
Troubleshoot Adjusts the graphics hardware
acceleration and performance
Sets the default color profile for
your monitor
Displays Provides the multi-monitor
Color Adjusts RGB color settings,
desktop brightness, and Game