2-34 Avaya P550R, P580, P880, and P882 Multiservice Switch User Guide, Version 5.3.1
Chapter 2
Figure 2-17. Console Port Configuration Window.
3. Refer to Table 2-7 and configure the other Console Port
Configuration dialog box parameters:
4. Click APPLY to save your changes, or CANCEL to clear
your selection.
Configuring the
Serial Console
Port as a TTY
Console Using
the CLI
To configure the console serial port as a TTY Console using the CLI,
enter the following command:
>set console type {tty|ppp}
Refer to the Command Reference Guide for the Avaya P550R, P580, P880,
and P882 Multiservice Switches, Version 5.3 for details about this
Table 2-7. Console Port Configuration Dialog Box Parameters
Option Default Available Settings
Baud Rate 9600 300, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200,
38400, 57600, 115200
Flow Control Xon/Xoff (TTY) None, Xon/Xoff (TTY)
Data Bits 87 or 8
Parity None Odd, Even, or None
Stop Bits 11 or 2