Chapter 2
Cajun P550/P880/P882 Switch User Guide
Figure 2-16. PPP Console Configuration Window.
3. Select a baud rate from the Baud Rate field pull-down menu
different from the one already selected.
4. Select an option from the Flow Control field pull-down
menu. The options are: None and Xon/Xoff.
* Note: You can only change the baud rate and flow
control parameters after you configure the serial
port as a PPP console.
5. Enter the modem initialization command in the Modem Init
Cmd field. The default modem configuration init command is
Refer to Table2-6 for a definition of the Modem
Configuration Init command parameters.
Table 2-6. Modem Configuration String Parameters
Parameter Definition
&D0 Disable DTR
S0=1 Auto-answer mode (one ring)
CD follows carrier Depends on modem
E0 Disable local echo
Software Flow Control
(Receive and Transmit)
Depends on modem