Belkin Power Management Software
[c] Communication Port:
This is the device name of the serial port connected to the
UPS. The default port name should be right for most
systems. You can set this to any name that your system
actually uses. Serial port names differ between each
operating system. If you are not sure of the correct port
name, please check your system documentation or refer
to Appendix B for the correct serial port name.
Belkin Power Management Software would try to
auto-detect your Serial Port Name if you happen to enter a
wrong one. If auto-detection fails then the message “UPS
Adapter No Response” would appear.
[v] Battery Rating Voltage (if not provided by UPS):
This option appears only when UPS monitoring is done
through the system’s serial port. Set this value only if your
UPS does not provide this information. You could get this
value from your UPS operation manual. This value will be
used to calculate the battery level displayed on the status
Trouble Shoot the Communication Port
What to do when a "UPS adapter no response" message
appears after running Belkin Power Management
Software for Unix. (Linux OS was used as an example).
Please refer to the system documentation if you do not
have the same Unix system as serial port setup
procedures may vary from system to system.
1. Make sure no other process uses the same serial port.
2. Turn off function 'getty' of the serial port.