Black Box Cat5 audio/video splitters Network Hardware User Manual

CHAPTER 4: Operation
4. Operation
Once you’ve finished installing your CAT5 Audio/Video Splitter system as
described in Chapter 3, take these steps to begin operating the system:
1. Plug in and turn on any powered devices attached to the system, particularly
any computers.
2. Turn on the Hub and all of the Remotes using their rear-mounted power
switches. The POWER LED on their rear panels should light and any video
and audio that the Hub is receiving should be broadcast to the equipment
attached to all of the Remotes.
If the focus of the picture that appears on the screen of a monitor attached to any
Remote needs adjusting, you can use a screwdriver to turn the screwdial labeled
“PICTURE” on the Remote. (You’ll have to use trial and error to discover at what
setting of this screwdial the picture looks best.)
The Splitter system has no hardware sound controls; you will have to make
sound adjustments independently at each pair of speakers or other destination
devices, or make adjustments for all remote sites simultaneously by using the
controls of the audio-source device—for example, the Sound control panel on a
Once your Splitter system is installed, operating, and adjusted properly, it should
continue operating indefinitely without requiring further user intervention.