Boca Research FSP 46 Printer User Manual

Table of Contents Page
1.0 Introduction 1
2.0 Unpacking the Printer 2
3.0 A tour of your printer 3
4.0 Installation 7
4.1 Loading Flight Strips 7
5.0 Standard Configuration 9
5.2 Control Panel Indicators 18
6.0. Interface Pinouts 19
7.0 Thermal Paper - Theory and Specification 20
8.0 Maintenance and Adjustments 21
8.1 Paper Guide and Print Head assembly 21
8.1.5 Optical Devices 21 Ticket Load Switch 22
8.1.6 Thermal Print Head 23
8.1.7 Rubber Drive Roller 23
8.2 Cutter Assembly 25
8.3 Logic Board 25
8.4 General Cleaning 25
9.0 Spare Parts List 26
10.0 Troubleshooting Guide 27
5.1 This Section has been removed 15