DCN Next Generation Video Display en | 7
Bosch Security Systems B.V. | 2005 January | 9922 141 70451
3.2 DDE link specifications
The following section specifies, for each available DDE link, the name and its purpose, the layout of the data
and the requirements that must be met to make the link available.
i Note
If a link is available but does not have any data to transmit, each link will send an empty update. Empty
updates consist of empty strings for string parts and/or 0 (zero) values for numerical parts.
i Note
Because commas are used as a separator in DDE links that transmit data consisting of several parts,
undefined behavior may occur if any string part transmitted through such a DDE link contains commas.
3.2.1 Topic = SESSION
Topic = SESSION, data-item = NAMES
This link provides the screen line information for each delegate in the current names file.
“delegate ID, screen line, delegate ID, screen line, ...”
delegate ID
A number in the range 1-1000 that identifies the delegate in the
delegate database. Each number has a unique ID_number.
screen line
Text of 33 characters which idientifies the delegate as text. Can
be generated by either the DB application or using the API
‘Delegate ID’ and ‘Screen line’ are separated by commas. This sequence is repeated for each delegate, again
separated by commas.
This link is always available. If there is a names file, the string as described above is sent whenever a change
in the delegate database occurs. If there is no names file or the names file is empty, an empty update is sent.
Topic = SESSION, data-item = GROUPS
This link provides group information for each delegate in the current names file.
“delegate ID, group name, delegate ID, group name, ...”
delegate ID
A number in the range 1-1000 that identifies the delegate in the
delegate database. Each number has a unique ID_number.
group name
The name of the group for this delegate as determined by the
names fil. If the delegate is not associated with a group this part is
Delegate ID and group name are separated by commas. This sequence is repeated for each delegate, again
separated by commas.
This link is always available. If there is a names file the string as described above is sent whenever a change
in the delegate database occurs. If there is no names file or the names file is empty an empty update is sent.
Topic = SESSION, data-item = COUNTRIES
This link provides country information for each delegate in the current names file.
“delegate ID, country name, delegate ID, country name, ...”
delegate ID
A number in the range 1-1000 that identifies the delegate in the