Bluetooth PC Card Bluetooth Introduction •
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Bluetooth in action
Unlimited possibilites
A technology that, like Bluetooth, eliminates the need for cables offers a great
number of potential applications.The possibilities are virtually unlimited.
Nevertheless, in some areas it is particularly obvious that Bluetooth is an ideal
solution. This section gives you a few examples.
Three-in-one phone
Use the three-in-one phone for different purposes – at the office, as an intercom;
on the road, as a mobile phone; at home, as a portable phone
Wireless headset
Use the wireless headset for hands-free operation of a phone – in the car, in the
office, or at home.
Automatic synchronization of eg. your PC, mobile phone, and handheld
computer. An example: As soon as you enter the office, the calendar in your
handheld computer is automatically updated to agree with the calendar in your
office PC.
Internet bridge
Connect to the Internet no matter where you are, using a laptop and a mobile
Security mechanism that prevents access to critical data and makes it impossible
to falsify the origin of a message.
Device address
The unique address of a Bluetooth device.
Device discovery
Before a link can be established, a Bluetooth device needs to discover the other
Bluetooth devices that are active within its range.
Device name
The name that a Bluetooth device presents itself with when supplying identity
information to another device.