Cabletron Systems STH-22 Switch User Manual

Page 4-1
This chapter contains instructions for using LANVIEW LEDs to
troubleshoot physical layer network problems.
4.1 LANVIEW LED Signals
The STH incorporates the Cabletron Systems LANVIEW Status
Monitoring and Diagnostics System. LANVIEW LEDs can help diagnose
problems such as a power failure or a cable fault. The STH includes the
following LANVIEW LEDs:
4.2 Trouble Resolution
If this section does not guide the user to a solution, please contact
Cabletron Systems Technical Support (see Section 1.4, Getting Help.)
Table 4-1. LED Signals
LED Color Condition
Green Power on.
off Power off.
16 Mb
Yellow Ring Speed set to 16 Mbps.
off Ring Speed set to 4 Mbps.
Green Connection with intelligent hub intact.
Red Bypassed or disconnected from intelligent hub.
off Port enabled but not linked.
Green Port enabled and linked.
Red Port disabled (or set to Ring Out) and not linked.
Ring Speed Fault -OR- Port linked but disabled.