Cabletron Systems TRMIM-24A Switch User Manual

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RMON MIB Support
The TRXI supports the RMON MIB RFC 1271/1513 Token Ring
Extensions shown in Table 1-2.
COM Port Applications
The front panel COM 1 port is configured to support Local
Management applications. Future capabilities for TRXI’s serial ports
include an SNMP proxy for Uninterruptible Power Supplies (UPS),
the Serial Line Internet Protocol (SLIP), and Modem.
LCD and Reset Button
The LCD provides status information about the TRXI such as power
up diagnostics, revision levels, serial numbers, and error alerts. The
TRXI also has a Reset Button to initialize the processor. Both the LCD
and the Reset Button are located on the front panel of the TRXI.
Table 1-2. RMON MIB RFC 1271/1513 Support
Group Subgroup Section
rmon 1
Token Ring ML Stats Table statistics 2
rmon 2
History Control Table history 1
Token Ring ML History Table history 3
rmon 3
Alarm Table alarm 1
rmon 9
Event Table event 1
Log Table event 2
Token Ring
rmon 10
Ring Station Control Table token ring 1
Ring Station Table token ring 2
Ring Station Order Table token ring 3
Ring Station Config Control Table token ring 4
Ring Station Config Table token ring 5