Cabletron Systems TRXI-44 Switch User Manual

Page 5-18
The trap/alarm includes the new station’s MAC address so that you
can decide if the new station should be allowed to remain on the ring.
If you select the Alarm/Remove mode, ring security sends a “Remove
MAC Frame Command” to new stations attempting to enter the ring,
and a trap/alarm to the NMS informing it of the action taken. If the
Remove MAC Frame Command fails to remove the new station after
three attempts, ring security sends a trap/alarm to the NMS
informing it that “the station could not be removed.”
The following section provides a brief explanation of each field and
command on the Ring Security screen and instructions for using them.
Note: Before you begin, you must set up the TRXI’s SNMP Traps screen
to designate which Network Management Stations receive trap/alarms
(refer to the SNMP Traps screen section). This ensures that trap/alarms
generated by ring security arrive at the appropriate destination.
Station Address
This field lists the MAC address of each station on the ring security
allowed list. This field can lists up to 250 MAC addresses on 22 local
management screens.
Stn Edit
The Station Edit command lets you add or delete stations from the
allowed list. Use the Stn Edit command for single entry edits to the
allowed list (refer to the Alarm Only security mode definition for
information about adding multiple users).
Security Mode
This command lets you set the Security Mode for the ring. Security
Modes determine the level of ring security. You can select the following
Security Modes:
Disabled - This is the factory default setting. Use this option
to temporarily disable ring security so that new stations can
enter the ring.
Alarm Only - In this mode, ring security allows new stations
to enter the ring. When a station enters the ring, ring security
sends a “station added” trap/alarm to the Network
Management Station.