
A Tradition of Excellence
Canon pioneered connecting digital
multifunction devices to networks back
in 1994. Since then, we continue to
be the only vendor to deliver network
connectivity at the time a product is
launched. So, while other vendors are
making promises about their networked
capabilities, Canon is delivering them.
Like its Canon predecessors, the
imageRUNNER 8500 carries on Canon’s
networking tradition. imageRUNNER 8500
customers can select both copying and
printing capabilities at the time of their
initial purchase, or they can add network
printing capabilities later on.
The Ideal Solution for
Production-level Environments
The imageRUNNER 8500 is ideally suited
for volume-intensive departments,
corporate in-plants, print-for-pay outlets,
and digital service bureaus. With a print
controller capable of handling 10/100
Ethernet or Token Ring connections, and
3 Emulation and PCL
6 print
languages, the imageRUNNER 8500 can
meet the needs of the most demanding
production environments.
Canon’s latest print controller design
leverages the unit’s Internal Image
Server and memory structure, ensuring
rapid first-page-out times, and quick
and efficient printing of common office
documents. Through Canon’s print
controller, output is delivered at the rated
print engine speed, thereby allowing users
to experience the enhanced productivity
and functionality of digital technology
over analog. And with the ability to
upgrade imageRUNNER 8500 functionality
to include printing and scanning at a
later date, you can configure the device
to handle the document-management
needs of your organization over time.
Point-and-click Operation
One of the reasons why Canon has
become the leading provider of network-
connected systems in the marketplace
today is because of its intuitive printer
driver software. imageRUNNER 8500
users will find that Canon’s graphical
printer driver software is extremely easy
to use, even if they have had no prior
experience using a network-connected
device. Through the printer driver soft-
ware, users have immediate access to all
imageRUNNER 8500 output functions
directly from their desktops. A dynamic
image of the installed imageRUNNER 8500
is displayed on the screen and indicates
all available hardware options, paper
sizes, and paper levels. If these attributes
change over the course of the day, the
driver is updated to reflect the changes
so that users are aware of the latest
device capabilities.
More advanced capabilities of the
driver include the ability to save frequently
used print job parameters, insert
document annotations such as names,
dates, etc., add watermarks, and send
sensitive or confidential documents to the
imageRUNNER 8500 as a Secured Print
so that it will not be output until the user
enters a password at the device control
Connectivity Without Complications
Driver Page Setup Tab
Users have access to all
imageRUNNER 8500 finishing
functions from their desktops.