
Using the Setup Menu
Sub-menu Operations
This section explains steps you need to perform in order to configure settings for each sub-
menu item type (value, selection, setting screen, execution, information).
Value Setting Type Sub-menu Item
This type of sub-menu item consists of a value and a bar graph.
Examples: Image Adjustment J Brightness; Screen Settings J Vertical Keystone
Operation: Press the [W] key to make the value smaller, or the [X] key to make it larger.
A value can be selected within the range that the indicator is able to move
within the selected bar. Depending on conditions, the indicator may not move
all the way to either end of the bar.
Selection Type Sub-menu Item
This type of sub-menu item provides a number of options from which you can choose.
Examples: Screen Settings J Startup Screen; Option Settings J Auto Keystone Correction
Operation: The currently selected option is indicated by a black button next to it. Use the
[W] and [X] keys to move between the selections, which causes the buttons
next to them to become either black (selected) or white (deselected).
z For details about the options that are available for each selection type sub-menu item,
see Setup Menu Reference on page 73.