Casio fx-3650P Calculator User Manual

kAnswer Memory
•Whenever you press < after inputting values or an expression, the
calculated result automatically updates Answer Memory contents by
storing the result.
•In addition to <, Answer Memory contents are also updated with result
whenever you press A v, |, A {, or A j followed by a letter (A
through D, or M, X, or Y).
•You can recall Answer Memory contents by pressing g.
•Answer Memory can store up to 12 digits for the mantissa and two digits
for the exponent.
•Answer Memory contents are not updated if the operation performed by
any of the above key operations results in an error.
kConsecutive Calculations
•You can use the calculation result that is currently on the display (and also
stored in Answer Memory) as the first value of your next calculation. Note
that pressing an operator key while a result is displayed causes the
displayed value to change to Ans, indicating it is the value that is currently
stored in Answer Memory.
•The result of a calculation can also be used with a subsequent Type A
function (x
, x
, x
, x!, DRG'), +, –, ^(x
, ҂, Ö, nPr and nCr.
kIndependent Memory
•Values can be input directly into memory, added to memory, or subtracted
from memory. Independent memory is convenient for calculating
cumulative totals.
•Independent memory uses the same memory area as variable M.
•To clear independent memory (M), input 0 A j 3.
Example: 23 ѿ 9 ҃
23 + 9 A j 3
53 Ҁ 6 ҃
53 , 6 |
Ҁ) 45 ҂ 2 ҃
45 - 2 A{