Casio FX-83GT PLUS Calculator User Manual

3 + 3 = 6 3 3 6
(Scrolls back.) D 4
(Scrolls back again.) D 2
Note: Calculation history data is all cleared whenever you press , when
you change to a different calculation mode, when you change the display
format, or whenever you perform any reset operation.
While a calculation result is on the display, you can press B or C to edit
the expression you used for the previous calculation.
4 × 3 + 2.5 = 14.5 1 4 3 2.5
4 × 3 − 7.1 = 4.9 (Continuing) B)))) 7.1 4.9
Note: If you want to edit a calculation when the indicator is on the right
side of a calculation result display (see “Reading the Display”), press
and then use B and C to scroll the calculation.
Answer Memory (Ans)
The last calculation result obtained is stored in Ans (answer) memory.
Ans memory contents are updated whenever a new calculation result is
To divide the result of 3 s 4 by 30 1
3 4
(Continuing) 30
123 + 456 = 579
123 456
789 579 = 210
(Continuing) 789
Variables (A, B, C, D, E, F, X,Y)
Your calculator has eight preset variables named A, B, C, D, E, F, X, and Y. You
can assign values to variables and also use the variables in calculations.
To assign the result of 3 + 5 to variable A
3 5B(STO)E(A)
To multiply the contents of variable A by 10
(Continuing) #E(A) 10
To recall the contents of variable A (Continuing) BE(A) 8
To clear the contents of variable A 0B(STO)E(A) 0