Number Constant Name Symbol
23 elementary charge e
24 Avogadro constant NA
25 Boltzmann constant k
26 molar volume of ideal gas Vm
27 molar gas constant R
28 speed of light in vacuum C
29 first radiation constant C
30 second radiation constant C
31 Stefan-Boltzmann constant σ
32 permittivity of vacuum ε
33 permeability of vacuum
34 magnetic flux quantum
35 standard acceleration of gravity g
36 astronomical unit AU
37 parsec pc
38 Celsius temperature t
39 Newtonian constant of gravitation G
40 standard atmosphere atm
Base-n Calculations
•In addition to decimal values, calculations can be per-
formed using binary, octal and hexadecimal values.
•You can specify the default number system to be ap-
plied to all input and displayed values, and the number
system for individual values you input.
•You cannot use scientific functions in binary, octal, deci-
mal, and hexadecimal calculations. You cannot input val-
ues that include decimal part and an exponent.
• If you input a value that includes a decimal part, the unit
automatically cuts off the decimal part.
•Negative binary, octal, and hexadecimal values are pro-
duced by taking the two's complement.
•You can use the following logical operators between
values in Base-
n calculations: and (logical product), or
(logical sum), xor (exclusive logical sum), xnor (exclu-
sive logical sum negation), Not (negation), and Neg (mi-