12 Program Change
Sent when a tone is selected. See the "Tone List" of this Model's User's Guide for details about program numbers.
Receipt changes the tone of the part corresponding to the MIDI Channel.
The selected tone is determined by the program value of this message and the Bank Select message value received
prior to this message. See the "Tone List" in this Model's User's Guide for information about actually selecting
tones, etc.
Also note that receipt of this message may also change the Part Mode parameter at the same time. For more
information, see "12.1 About the Part Mode" below.
12.1 About the Part Mode
Each of this Model's parts has a parameter called "Part Mode," which can be set to Normal Mode, Drum Mode,
or Drawbar Organ Mode. Melody tones are set to Melody Mode, rhythm tones that use the drum map are set to
the Drum Mode, and drawbar organ tones are set the to Drawbar Organ Mode.
13 Channel Aftertouch
These messages are never sent.
Receipt of this message adds vibrato to the voice that is sounding. Details of the effect differ according to the
tone setting.
14 Pitch Bend
Sent when the bender wheel is operated (WK-3200/WK-3700 only).
Also sent when play data or auto-accompaniment data that includes bender wheel data is played back.
Receipt changes the pitch of the currently sounding note. The width of the change depends on the setting of the
Transpose/Function's Bend Range parameter and the Pitch Bend Sensitivity, whose setting is configured by RPN.
Message Format: CnH ppH
n: MIDI Channel Number
pp: Program Number
Message Format: DnH vvH
n: MIDI Channel Number
vv: Value
Message Format: EnH llH mmH
n: MIDI Channel Number
ll: Value LSB
mm: Value MSB